Vision & Values

Our Values
  • Prayer
  • Worship
  • Bible
  • HolySpirit
  • Community
  • Mission
  • Discipleship

Sundays at St John’s

10am Morning Service

On Sunday mornings we gather to meet with God and with one another every Sunday morning from 10 – 11.30am.  Holy Communion is celebrated on the 2nd & 4th (family Communion) Sundays of the month.  After the service, we gather as a community for refreshments.

On most Sundays during term time we worship together for about 20-30 minutes before the children and young people leave for their own age-appropriate groups. Our ‘All Age Services’ are on the 1st Sunday of the month a the earlier time of 9.45am for refreshments, children’s crafts and game before the service starts at 10.15am.

Out of school term time our children stay in the main service rather than go to their own group. These Whole Church services are normally an hour long, fast-paced and include something for all ages.

Sunday Evenings

Café Church meets from 5.45–7pm each Sunday in the Lounge, set out café style with refreshments available throughout the service. Café Church welcomes anyone who comes, especially those who feel comfortable in a less conventional church service. Teaching and sharing of faith stories are Christ-centered. Prayer and discussion take place round the tables and in the room as a whole. Communion is celebrated monthly.  If you’d like some more information about Cafe Church then please email the team here 


Got questions about life?  Want to meet people at St John’s and get involved?  Try Alpha!  Alpha is a chance to ask big questions and explore the Christian faith in a fun, relaxed environment.  Contact Nina, our Church Administrator, here for more information about our next course


In a church the size of ours, it’s not always easy to feel you belong. So, we encourage all our members to join a Connect Group where close friendships can be formed. Our Groups meet during the day and evenings through the week for Bible study and learning together, prayer and friendship. Please click here if you would like to join one of groups.


God gives each of us gifts and talents to serve one another and our wider community, we have lots of ways in which you can serve at St John’s and we’d love for you to get in touch with us here if you are interested in serving – such as worship, kids, youth and more…


The work of St John’s made possible by the generous giving of people in our Church family. So we encourage everyone to consider prayerfully regular giving to the work of the church. If you would like to donate regularly, please email our Treasurer, Kate Castelino here